waste streams from our crops

Where are we now

Once a year, growers replace their plants with new young plants. This also means that once a year they are left with a lot of plant residues, ground cover plastic and growing media.

In 2020, we analysed how much of these kinds of waste our growers produce. Only when you know exactly what waste there is can you start looking for a new purpose

how we will make it happen

First we need to know for all growers exactly where and what kind of waste is collected and by which waste processors. This includes organic waste, plastic, substrate, paper, and other waste. Waste processing companies find new uses for the waste.

on the way
to 100%

One of these is looking at the rockwool slabs in which the plants are grown. When they are no longer needed in the greenhouse, these rockwool slabs are turned into raw material for other products such as bricks..